Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Sweet Friendship


This scripture came to mind when I was trying to think of a good blog title.

This, my readers,  is the theme of my blog here today.

A sweet friendship DOES refresh the soul.

This photo above is one that means more to me than I can ever explain.

These cards and notes and thank-yous are what kept me going; during Covid when I was alone and frightened, during the school year when things were a little dicey in my life, and I went to work with a forced smile upon my face some days just to make sure my little tiny humans had their 'Silly Miss Barb' around; during my mole scare that gave me seven days worth of sleepless nights.

But EVERY night, before I  go to bed, I look at my dresser, and I look at my wall which holds many photos of my children and grandchildren, scriptures which all words of encouragement from God above, and because of these amazing people in my life that are near and far, I managed to get through some really, really sticky days in my life.

I have been having a time in my life these past few weeks. Beside the recent mole scare, I had a car fall apart, I had issues with worry about my kids and my family and all in all I kept it together for the most part.

Through all of this I had GOD. He brought me through a majority of the scared moments and the sleepless nights.

I have my Saturday Sisters and my Wednesday Warriors. These are my family from the two Ladies' Bible Studies I attend on a weekly basis at my church.  They are not just there for ME likewise, I am ALWAYS  there for THEM too should they need me.

The day before I was to have  the mole removed I was on my way to the lunchroom . My supervisor comes into the lunch room and hands me an envelope with my name on it. "Someone dropped this off for you."

I seriously thought it was her and then I thought it was someone else in building who gave this to me. 

Turns out it wasn't. 

She swore up and down it wasn't anyone at work. She said she didn't know the person, that they just showed up and dropped that off. 

I sat down next to my lunch and opened the envelope after she left. It was just me and a friend of mine who was sitting two tables away. I read that note and the tears just flooded my face. The love and support via phone calls and texts of friends during this time where I was truly scared and the gift of a someone whom I will forever be grateful to, and not sure who it was, made me realize that I AM LOVED. Not just by an enormous God who holds all things and all situations in His almighty hands, but by the people around me too. 

I am sure a lot of you can relate to that feeling of not being worthy to be loved.

I can assure you that is the BIGGEST lie satan can throw at your direction.

I want to let you know that you ARE loved and no matter what stupid thing you may have done now or in your past your ALMIGHTY GOD loves you more than you can imagine.

I received this bracelet from a friend. It wasn't random chance that I got this particular one. 

This was GOD. 

I was so blessed by this bracelet. It was confirmation that I needed that God truly heard my prayers and knew my feelings about myself. 

Past relationships have made me feel like I was truly unworthy of another human being ever caring about me. I always felt like if I didn't do what others wanted me to do, or if I voiced my own opinions on certain things, or stand up for myself, people would leave me.

What I am finding out is, the people who really matter, the ones who are worth keeping in your life, won't get mad at you or disown you for being honest.  

They won't disown you for being who God intended you to be. 

Remember that, okay?

I have had friends offer rides to me this week. One friend was willing to rearrange HER schedule to fit mine so I could attend a game night with our Wednesday Warriors.  Unfortunately, I had to bow out anyway, because by the Grace of God my car is ready earlier than I thought it would be(it was also cheaper than I thought it would be to fix it too thank you Wednesday Warrior, for your on-the-spot prayer for me at church Sunday morning in the hallway❤ God is good!). 

I had tried to figure out in my head who would be able to pick me up on what days to get to work. I didn't want to be putting anyone out of their way to come get me.  Truth be told, everyone who I saw at work, pretty much said it wasn't a problem as I literally live 5 minutes from work. And one nice coworker offered to pick me up the rest of the week if I needed her to. She even bought me Starbucks. If that isn't God I don't know what is. 😉

I am finding that God sends me blessings in the most unexpected places and at the most unexpected times. 

He keeps showing me His promises are real. He keeps showing me His love through the love of others around me.

"We love, because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

When my engine light went on, I was really upset for about a minute. But then I looked at my daughter and realized, this is OUR night to have fun. We had gone to Dairy Queen for some Buster Bars because she had never had them before, and we got a whole box of those frozen confections. I wasn't gonna let a stupid yellow light dictate how our night was going to be. I remembered God's promises and how he has always rescued me in the past in dicey and uncertain situations. I told her in a calm voice, "I KNOW I have friends who can take me to work and pick me up, I have tow service to get the car to a mechanic(and we were close enough to home we could have walked) so I'm not going to worry about it." Then she says, "And we have a box of ice cream mom!"

God had us in His hands in THAT VERY MOMENT.

"Because you love me, I will rescue you, I will protect you because you know my name. When you call to me, I will answer you. I will be with you when you are in trouble." - Psalm 91:14-15

He will never leave us or forsake us.



Remember that.

Embrace the love around you.

If someone offers to help you...let them. I always want to help others. I don't want to be the one getting the help, I want to be the helper. I am learning that God can't use me, if I haven't been in some sort of pickle or another. Sometimes I might go through something truly serious, like losing custody of my children, having an addict for child, strained relationship with a child I love, or something like a health scare or car trouble. 

I prayed to the Lord, "God use me. Use me for your glory Lord. Help me to be the light. Help me to know where and when to speak and when not to. Guide me and give me wisdom."

I can't talk to someone who is going through a divorce if I haven't been through one before, but I HAVE, so I can listen and advise with God's guidance. I can pray for them. I can offer my support and a listening ear.

True there probably is someone in a worse situation than you. However, GOD sent the person trying to help TO YOU,  and sent someone else to them. 

Got that? Reread that if you need to.

So go ahead and take the blessing. If it's groceries, if it's a phone call you need to make at 3 a.m. to them, they will pick up and if they don't, leave a message, they'll call back. If it's money, take it. God blessed them with that extra money to bless YOU, not to make you feel guilty or uncomfortable.

Trust me on this, because one day, God is going to use your struggle and bless you with time, clothing, money or other resources to use in someone else's life so that YOU..CAN BLESS THEM.

"Reservation for Barb, Party of One"

  Look at the moon.  In this photo I took it looks so small and insignificant.  It looks so alone . I pretty much feel like the moon looks a...