Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Long Road

I thought my purpose in life was to write and share and hopefully help others with my casual written banter. However, as of late, all I do is stare at the blinking cursor on my page and I can hear crickets in my head(I suppose that's way better than hearing voices). 

I want people to see Jesus the way I see Him. I want them to know Him and know all about how He changed my life completely. How I am " A New Creation in Christ" -(2Corinthians 5:17) I want them to know  that no matter how screwed up you think you are, God sees a person with potential to do His will.

What is His will?

Again, I don't know what His will for me is. I want to know. All I know is, it has to do with writing and people and speaking and all sorts of fun stuff like that.

Then again, maybe that's MY will for ME and what God really wants me to do is clean a toilet for a family in Zimbabwe while sharing His word with them, or perhaps some other country. 

I wouldn't mind the change of scenery. 

Truth be told though, I miss snow. Of course if I sent that prayer up to the Lord, "Please God send me on a mission trip to somewhere it snows(thinking He'll send me to the east coast or down to Virginia or Tennessee) He'd probably send me to Alaska, or Antarctica. That would be a blessing I suppose because He knows how much I love penguins.

I also love meeting new people.

I am a very people-y person. (Not quite sure that is even a word, "people-y", but that annoying red line went away when I added the hyphen, so we'll go with it for now, okay?) I like to share things, random knowledge that is inside my head, or just talk just to talk because silence is awkward and there is always something to share, especially when it comes to sharing Jesus.

God isn't done with me just yet, this I know. He is going to use me for something. 

I don't think I'll be rich and famous, and that is fine with me because I want Jesus, not me, to be known. Know what I mean?

Sure ya do.

Because you want Jesus to be known too.

I feel like my life has been this long road, with all kinds of forks in it. I'm not talking about the kind you eat with either. 

You know, I took this road instead of that one; tried to take a short cut and end up somewhere I was never meant to be, with people I never should have met, doing things I probably shouldn't have been doing 👀. 

I shared a little bit of that fork in the road with a very special and very dear friend of mine today. I love that she doesn't judge me. I have seven kids by three different fathers. Two failed marriages and I lived in sin with a guy for 8 years. That's a lot to share over an energy drink and vitamin water. 

She just smiled.

Some folks would dare say,  "I can't believe your kids have THREE different fathers!" or "Why are you airing your dirty laundry for all the world to read!" 

Oh believe me, People have said things to me, prior to my walk with the Lord and then after. But here is the thing sis, you have to remember those people shaking their judgmental pointy fingers at ya, saying not-so-nice things to you, or behind your back even, are one of two things:

1)Not TRULY walking with the Lord
2)Very insecure
3)(yes, I added a three) All of the above

None of us is perfect. And that list above isn't for you or I to sit in judgment of the judgmental person, but rather to help you(and I) gain perspective on the "why" they do what they do or say what they say. 

You have to learn to let it roll off your shoulders like water off a duck's back, or a mermaid's tail, or a shark's fin. 

You get what I'm saying.

Just because a toddler says the sky is orange doesn't mean it's true(unless of course it's a beautiful desert sunset, in which case, well...ya know). People say all kinds of crazy things like hot dogs are bad for your health, or not drinking enough water is bad for your health or too much water is bad for your health.


I ate cold hot dogs that fell on the ground in my back yard when I was 5, I drank from a garden hose and ate dirt when I forgot to wash my hands and ate a cookie or a sandwich. I'm still standing! 

The nice thing about having Jesus as my Lord and savior and my best friend is that those gossipy, untrue words words are just that....WORDS.

He tells me (and you) that I am fearfully and WONDERFULLY made!(psalm 139:14)

God has me in His hands. All the nastiest, gossipy words in the world can't top that....EVER!

He might let some people come at me from time to time, but vengeance is His. 
He said so(Romans 12:19).

And even if NOTHING happens to those meanies, I know that when I get to Heaven God has a pretty, shiny crown waiting for ME! He knows my heart. He knows YOUR heart too. 

They are a child of God, we all are. He created every last one of us on this planet in HIS image. 

He will deal with them. Like a parent who scolds a naughty child, they will receive judgment when they stand before the Lord one day.

Continue your walk and ignore the talk(that could be a cool bumper sticker😁).

We all have a road to walk. 

Some of us try to run because we are excited to get to our destination, sometimes before God wanted us to get there. 

Some of us trip and fall along the way but the righteous rise up, while calamity strikes the wicked. That is truth, I didn't make that up or say it first, God did, in Proverbs 24:16. 

God's going to pick us up! Did you hear that?!

So let them talk. 

Let them gossip.

Let them sit in judgment of you all they want to. 

Surround yourself with godly, positive people who encourage you and see beyond your past mistakes and love you with agape love(love that is encouraging to others, unconditional love).

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you -Matthew 5:44

Maybe God will send me to South America, where the really cool-looking Southern Rockhopper Penguin lives.

One can hope..and pray anyway.🤨

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