Sunday, August 30, 2020

Welcome to My Blog

 I am so happy you are here.

I honestly have no clue what I am doing here as far as the layout of this blog. I have no idea which column this blog will end up in. I don’t even know if the columns will still be there when I am done.

I’m technologically challenged.

I am sure I will figure this out over time so please bear with me if my blog is a tad bit scary looking or looks “light” at the moment. It’s a work in progress…I’m a work in progress. We all are a work in progress I suppose.

This blog is not meant to be “preachy” by any means. However, as Paul wrote in Romans 1:16 “I am not afraid to share the Gospel of Christ”; I’m not. Ask any of my coworkers, friends and even my neighbors I love to talk about Jesus, I love to read my Bible. I listen to worship music. I also listen to Country and Christmas music.

Does this make me some Superpower perfect person?

Far from it my friends…I am just as broken as every other sinner on this big blue marble we call Earth.

I have so much to share. I decided to write this blog as a means to first, share the Gospel, second, to make people laugh, cry and know that when the chips are down in your life, you are not alone.

You are never alone. There is a Savior out there who, no matter how bad you have strayed from the Father, He is still hanging onto the back of your shirt saying “I’m right here. I know you are angry right now that you lost that job, but I told you in Romans 8:28 that ‘all things work together for good’, even when they don’t seem so good in this moment. I have something much better for you. This moment is just a speck of your life, a tiny season.”

Sometimes though, He let’s go of your shirt and you wander off even further from Him. He is like that mom or dad sitting in the bleachers while you played baseball for the first time and tripped running to third base. Oh how badly your mom wanted to run and kiss your knee and hold you tight so she could “make it all better”, but she let you brush it off on your own and and eventually you figured out how to maneuver the field and make it to home.

I hope this journey we share will be an enlightening one, not just for you but for me also. We are God’s children, He created us in His image. We can share a cup of coffee, glass of wine (or a beer if that’s your style…not mine but hey, no judgment from me ) and share this life journey.

We can laugh, cry, ponder and question life and how our amazing God fits so awesomely in it. If you think God doesn’t exist, I’d still love for you to sit at the table here(or your dorm, or patio, or wherever it is you are right now) and hang out with us. If you have questions you’d like to ask, please email me. If I don’t know the answer we can find it together.

So get cozy, grab a warm or cold drink, pass the cookies please, and let’s get started.

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