Thursday, October 29, 2020

By the Grace of God

"By the grace of God I am still standing."

How many times have you uttered those words? I have managed to say those words at least a hundred times, if not more in my lifetime.

I have made choices, gone through battles, and won tiny parenting wars after which I have said those words.

God's grace and strength has been with me throughout this week.  Especially one day this week, when someone got snarky with me and all I said was "Please be patient someone is on their way," to which this person replied, "Take a chill pill."

The flesh in me wanted to make a snarky comment back, I could feel God saying,  " Show this person love. Show them grace." Then my pastor's sermon on Corinthians 13(Love Is) could not have been more appropriate a teaching than in this moment.

As I stood there, wanting to snark back....

I said nothing.

I let go and let God.

It's amazing how God works. He righted the wrong and when I ran into this person at a later time, she said to me, "I was just kidding. I am so sorry. I didn't mean that to be rude. I am sorry." 

I looked at this person and I said "It's okay."

Forgiven...just like that.

I then said something to another person next to me, I said, "I read my Bible and I practice what I preach."


I did mean what I said, but I think a tad bit of pride was in my tone.

I hate when God does something amazing and then I go ahead and screw it up with stupid pride.  This is God's conviction. Immediately I knew, as soon as it came out of my mouth, that I was not being Christ-like in my tone.

But God forgave me, just like I forgave that woman, and instantly righted my wrong.

"Not one is righteous, no not one." (Romans 3:10)

Including me, including you, including that pastor behind the podium who maybe did something, that according to your "flesh-filled lenses" wasn't biblically right, including that person at McDonald's who didn't smile when you walked up to the counter with a smile, including that person who cut you off in traffic, including your own children, including your own parents and employers and your neighbor next door.

"My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness."(2 Cor 12:9)

We need to remember that when someone wrongs us, we have to show them love and not judgment. Even if we aren't feeling our best.

I had a rough week. It started with an after-church lunch at a very special friend's house from church. I had to excuse myself early for health reasons, and I was mad  at my "stupid body" that I even had to leave. We were having such a great time. I went to work Monday, and wouldn't ya know it, I bent down to wipe off the table at work and PING this sharp pain ricocheted around my front and back and down my left leg. I was hunched over the table, and could...not...move.

I did the best to sit in the tiny-human chair behind me and told my co-teacher, "Um, I am just going to hang out here for a minute. I pulled something in my lower back."  It was just a crazy busy week this week in the classroom, crying, stomping feet, the sometimes unforeseen scenario in a preschool but it was taking a toll on my already mentally and physically strained body.

My hormones were in overdrive, I had this really bad headache two days in a row, cramps and hot flashes but somehow, someway, by the Grace of God and His strength, I made it through my week.

I showed love even when I didn't feel(physically or mentally) very lovely.

Do I get angry?


Have I yelled before?


But I am learning, that when I stay in God's word, I am less likely to snap and more likely to surrender no matter what my circumstances are.

I do my best to not complain.

I do my best to honor God in my words and actions.

Today is my last day of work for the week. 

Yes, we get a three-day weekend here in the state of Nevada. Tomorrow is Nevada day. My Indiana friends might want to look into an Indiana day for their three-day weekend. LOL.

I am going to enjoy the holiday party with my little monsters, and princesses and Paw Patrol folk and all my wonderfully amazing coworkers.

I am going to make sure that when people say things or do things or cut me off in traffic or don't acknowledge my presence, that I still remember to surrender my flesh and hold onto Jesus.

Have  a great weekend.

Stay safe.

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