Sunday, October 4, 2020

God Provides

 Happy Sunday!

This week has been somewhat of a crazy madness.

But I made it through.

There was a death, a shooting(not related to the death Thank you Jesus), unpaid bill stress, a health scare(that was due to lack of a good lunch instead of what I thought was something else LOL).

I managed to pay all of my bills this pay period. God provided the funds to be able to get my car payment in. I didn't ask anyone for money, yet the money was there. 

I said it before and I will say it forever...GOD PROVIDES.

"...and my God will supply all your needs according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 4:19

The verses prior to this verse say "Be anxious for nothing". 


Don't sweat it folks.

God's got this. He knew about this problem way before you did. He already had a solution and a plan worked out wayyyyy before you were a speck in your mother's womb.

As long as we, as believers(and even a non-believer who turns to Him) worship Him, and Serve Him, and turn to His word and continue a relationship with Him, He will provide for us.

In Matthew 6:25-26 Jesus says, "Therefore I say unto you do not worry about your life, what you eat  or what you will drink; nor your body what you will wear. Is life not more than what you eat and your body more than just what you wear?  Look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet their Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not more value than they?"

He continues in Matthew to say, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it's own things."

He even provides to the non-believer, because yes, they are His children too. But He can provide so much more if they just follow His word. 

It's like the rebellious teenager who goes out one night and gets drunk. Surely, you will still provide that child's needs; food, clothing, shelter. However, drunkenness may lead to consequences such as losing one's driving privileges, or a strict curfew or grounding of some sort  or worse...jailtime, for the teen.   

The unbeliever is like that rebellious teen. 

God still loves him or her and yet He must have consequences for those individuals who choose to continually seek comfort and security in those things that are no good for them; drugs, alcohol, sex, infidelity and the list goes on. God has to have consequences for those individuals, and sometimes their loved ones suffer for their sins as well. 

I can speak of this first-hand. 

I made some poor poor choices in my lifetime. Some that have affected my children and I cried many nights in the past over that. 


God forgave and forgot all those past sins and poor choices,  unfortunately,  some of my loved ones have not.  

It hurts.

But I cannot let their lack of forgiveness come between my relationship with God and His plan for my life.

I pray for them. I pray for our relationships to be restored. I pray that we can laugh, cry and even pray together some day.  Until then, I wait...on God's heal their heart. They have to come to God before anything else. Our relationship is secondary to their salvation. Secondary to them knowing Jesus and just how truly awesome a relationship with Him really is.

My tears have now been turned into teaching. Teaching others who are on the same path I was or who I may see travelling that path and showing them how the Word of God can save them from the literal hell I was headed for and how my life spiraled out of control. 

God Saved ME. 
He felt that little ol' me was worth hanging onto and loving unconditionally. I never knew that kind of love before.

When I bravely walked to the front of the church for that altar call on June 23, life changed. It wasn't perfect by any means. I still messed up, but over time as my spiritual maturity increased and my worldly needs decreased and I focused completely and solely on Jesus Christ I have noticed my needs are less worldly and more on the needy. Them vs. me mentality. Help them first then me. Show compassion not judgment, don't gossip, love more. 

Enjoy what God has given me; healthy body, healthy children, food, clothing, shelter, wonderful job, a car that runs(although it has been skittish lately, but I know He will provide if it conks out on me) and amazing group of church sisters and a church family I would never give up. 

I have never felt so alive.  I have never, ever in my life had such a sense of peace. 

Even on my worst days, when my world has crumbled and I cry out to God and say "Lord, I know you are there, even though you know this doubt in my heart is from the enemy I KNOW you are there Lord. Help me to get through this please God."  I still KNOW HE IS ALIVE AND HE IS MY PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER.

I am not talking about finances here folks. Yes, God can and does provide that....but He provides us peace well beyond what man can ever give us; likewise and much much more important HE provides a place in Heaven a crown and streets of Gold for us to praise Him in eternity.

If you are still reading this and you are not a believer, message me (on the right over there ------>>> 😉 ) if you have any questions and I will get back to you. 

No pressure.

Tell me a little about yourself; married, not, kids, no kids, pets....favorite flavor of ice cream....whatever you want to share. 

And ask away!

God is Good!

Have a great week folks!

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