Sunday, May 1, 2022

Just a Little Bit of Banter Here About My Weekend

This has been a week of epic proportions.

I had two spring programs which thankfully went off without a hitch. I had a company dinner which was! And then the weekend was here. And I was all excited to go to my Saturday Sisters group because it was one very special sister's birthday this weekend and it was going to be a surprise celebration for her! 

Friday I left work, without much of my voice left. I had woke up with a sore throat that would not stop, and congestion that gave me a horrible headache. I managed to make it through the day.  I got off work and I picked up my daughter and we headed to Taco Bell. I told her I was not going to be making any dinner that night. I just wanted to curl up under my blankie an head to bed. As we entered the drive-thru I told her she was going to have to order. So she crawled in the back seat and opened the passenger's side window and ordered for the both of us. 

We got home, I ate my protein bowl and I was out like a light.

Woke up yesterday, I wanted to text my therapist that I wouldn't be in and my phone says to me "Unable to send text. Service suspended". 

"Crap! Forgot to pay my phone bill!"

That is the ONE THING I always pay:
Phone, Rent, Utilities, Car Insurance food and whatever else I can pay after that.

I couldn't believe I forgot to pay my phone bill! YIKES!!

So I quickly paid it on the app and thankfully there was no late fee. 

Then I posted a quick update about my health status here online to all my friends and headed back to bed. I wanted to cry. I was about to miss a wonderful friend's big celebration! I had a gift and everything. Of course she will still get it, just not when I wanted her to. I was so sad and mad and all the feelings in between.  There was nothing, however, that  I could do about it. 

My daughter had an eye appointment,  so I had to take her to that at 2:00. Ugh, I felt like a truck hit me, but I persevered and took her and we managed to laugh a lot at her reactions with the doctor. She wanted contacts. Because where she works her glasses steam up a lot. So there she is with the lovely assistant guiding her on how to remove her contacts. I never laughed so hard. She would take a deep breath, smile at me and say "Okay, I got this." 

And was still in there.  I joked and said, "It's $90 for the contact consult. So that's a $1 a minute! You have 84 minutes left sister!" I said "I'm just kidding. They said you have all the time in the world to do this. So take your time."

Until she finally did get it as she held the contact from her right eye on her pointer finger with a huge smile painted across her face.

All she had to do was remove the one from her left eye, and we could go home, contacts in hand and a new hope for steam-free seeing when she goes to work.  

So she took a brief respite from contact removing and was sitting by the mirror hands outstretched and taking a deep breath. She reminded me of those Yoga-folk who sit criss-crossed and have their hands on their knees. Jokingly I said to her, "You are one with your contact." She repeated me, "I am one with my contact" and in one fell swoop she got that contact out of her eye and it was sitting on her finger!

With her mouth wide open from sheer amazement and eyes practically bouncing out of her head, she screamed " IT WORKED!"  We all laughed so hard, me sounding like a hurt sea lion with the assistant and my daughter. 

All she had to do was put them back in.

She was done for. We took a rain check and rescheduled for another day and time. We went to a restaurant for some soup and salad as a reward for her great efforts then I brought her home.  

I took her to work and then crashed out on the couch. Thankfully the good Lord must have woke me because I missed my alarm going off and manged to wake up half an hour before she was off of work. 

All in all despite this stupid whatever it is....cold, flu, allergy....that kept me down for most of the weekend, I managed to still have a little bit of time with my daughter that we could enjoy and it wasn't a total loss.


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