Wednesday, December 28, 2022

My Life Is A Comedy Show and I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way

Isn't this the prettiest picture?

Well, maybe not the prettiest of all time of all the photos in the land, BUT,  it is the prettiest I have taken today. 


I'm having a good day. 
I started out having a lazy day, but then I had to go and live life a little bit.
Do stuff.

I'm not a fan of doing stuff this week.

I'd much rather hang out here with my daughter and watch TV, bake and play games.

But sometimes we have to do stuff, and I am just grateful I had stuff to do and money and gift cards to do it with.

For starters, I had to mail gifts. I could have bought a sleigh and 8 reindeer for the amount of money I handed over to that kid behind the UPS counter top. I'm not complaining, really I am not, I don't care how much it costs to mail things to my kids. But holy cow, that was a good chunk of change I plunked down there.

Now don't get me wrong here, I would pay the price of ten sleighs and 80 reindeer to mail gifts to those I love(does math in head to make sure that is the right sleigh to reindeer ratio of my previous statement about sleighs and reindeer above🤔), especially my children and their significant others. ❤ Seriously, I'm not complaining by any means, I was just in shock at the price. 👀 

Last time I mailed something from there it was about twenty bucks/twenty five maybe and I was 
thinking maybe 70 dollars to send to three different addresses this time.....not even close. They should personally deliver it and open the gifts for them so they don't break a nail or get a paper cut for the price I paid. 

Just sayin'. 🤷

Well, remember yesterday's blog about Target and Dutch Bros? If you haven't read it, feel free to go right here (<<---- Yes, click there) and if you don't want to read the WHOLE blog, at least read the first 5-6 paragraphs before reading anything further here or you won't really have the full effect of what has transpired in my world at Target in the past 24 hours. 

It's been a three-ring circus here let me tell ya. 🤡

I went back to Dutch Bros this morning.
Yes, I am a glutton for punishment. Let's try it again shall we?

So, this time I went to the location by my apartment. I had to pick up my daughter from a friend's house after I mailed those packages and then take her to work, so I figured "Why not? Let's get another Stoplight and hopefully I won't lose it this time.". I should have just put one of those, what do they call those thing-a-ma-jigs a Lo jack something-or-other on it, or just buy one of those phone cord looking things from the 90's that you use to put on your wrist to hold keys(remember those?) and try to rig it to fit a medium drink cup from DB with a few of those twisty ties you get with a loaf of bread and some duct tape. 

So I pick up my daughter, take her to work and just as she is about to get out of the car she proceeds to say, "Oh, by the way, Rachel(her friend, and not her real name by the way) is going to pick me up from work and take me home."

I give her a deer in the headlight look because this, my dear friends, is news to me.
"Um, is she staying the night?" I ask as my voice inches gradually an octave higher as I'm speaking.
"Well, that was kind of the plan," she says with a big old grin upon her face as she exits the car and is holding onto the door..
"Why didn't you text me this when you made these plans?"
"Because it was 3 a.m. when we made these plans and you were sleeping."
"This would have been nice to know ya know. I mean what if I had planned a surprise party for you and it was a party for two?"
"Well, then I guess we'd of made it a party for three! Bye mom! See you after work!" She waves and blows me a kiss as she went into work. 
"Bye!", I said as I drove away with a big old grin on my face too.

I love that kid.

So I drove away and headed to Target. I got the closest spot ever. I was thinking to myself, "Awesome! 3rd spot from the door! It's a good day!"

I grabbed my Stoplight drink from out of my cup holder in my car and stuffed it in my bra so I wouldn't lose it this time. 😄 Not really, but just now I thought I should have done that and yesterday might have ended up a little better than when we got home from Target without my drink. Anyway, I grabbed my drink and grabbed a cart inside and went straight to the storage bins. They were still on sale! I was so happy! And there were even bins today for SEVEN DOLLARS EACH!!! That made me smile. So I grabbed one clear bin with a red lid, and three green bins that lock. I toss them in, and just kind of window-shopped for about twenty minutes in various sections of the store. I got some soda and some paper plates and headed toward the checkout.

I get my gift card ready, and show the cashier my bins. I realized that for one of the green bins I forgot to get the lid. So I told her I will just leave it with her because I am not traveling back to the deep recesses of Target for a stinking lid.  I didn't say that, I just said I didn't want it. 

She didn't seem to thrilled with that decision. 

Oops! My bad! 💁

I roll my purchases out the door and load my stuff into the car. I was so proud of the great deals I got on storage bins. I was so happy I wanted to celebrate with a pita sandwich. So I stopped at this new place in town that I had never been to. I walk in and there are 3 girls behind the counter. I tell the one girl that I had never been there and asked for a menu. She pointed to the counter left of her and said, "The menu is over there and when you are ready order virtually."


I walk over to the counter and all of a sudden I hear a man's voice coming from this round circular speaker that is next to the credit card pay pad thingy, "Hello, welcome. I will take your order when you are ready."  I was looking at the menu and the speaker as I placed my order. He asks me if it will be cash or credit I said cash, and he tells me to give my money to the woman behind the counter.

As I look up I see this young man on the screen in an Ipad looking thing on a selfie stick glued to the counter and I said, "Oh, I didn't see you there!" 

He just laughed.

The girl took my money and gave me my change and I waited for my order. Another woman came in shortly after I placed my order and she said the same thing after she placed her order, "OH! I didn't see you there!" Then she looked at me and said, "Weird." I said, "Yeah, I agree."

That was the extent of our friendly banter about the weird experience at this place. The girl with the ponytail that took my money eventually returned with my food and a smile and told me to have a great day.

I got home and began to unload my car. I had put my daughter's ginormous bag that had all her overnight stuff in it, inside the bags I took to carry all the gifts I had shipped. I placed the handles over my left arm, followed by the bags from Target and then my food. I had the three bins and I threw them inside each other and went to get the lids.

Yeah, those lids.

Well, guess what. I had the two green ones.
What color is the Target cart friends? Can anyone tell me? 


What color dear friends do you think is the lid that I LEFT IN THE CART AT TARGET!!!  

Also RED!


Left that stinkin' thing in the Target!  🙄
Go ahead, you know ya wanna laugh. Let's all laugh together now shall we? I couldn't believe I did that!


People, what are the odds?

I didn't get as flustered as I did yesterday. I'm just gonna call Target tomorrow and talk to a manager or just go down there with my daughter and her friend and make another field trip out of it. Let's see, what else I can leave in a Target cart?

My purse?
My kid?
My sanity perhaps?
My sense of self-esteem?
The rest of my brain perhaps?
My rent, car payment and all my debt...that would be awesome actually.

I am now waiting on my daughter to get off of work. I forgot I don't have to pick her up. "Rachel" is getting her. I love it when her friend's can bring her home. I offered one kid a pie. I followed through too, as a joke, I got him two apple pies from Walmart. You know those pies that use to be 50 cents and now are 79 cents? 

Yeah, those pies.

I have to do one more load of laundry and start putting things from my closet into these bins. Tomorrow my daughter doesn't know this yet, but we are going to clean out the storage closet on the patio.

That's right.

Nobody tell her, it'll be our little secret. Because if she doesn't do it tomorrow, she will have to wake up early Friday and do it before work.

Who wants to do that?

Well, I think I have rambled enough today.
I promised giggles to some friends.

There ya go folks!

Wishing you all a festive, safe, happy New Year's Eve. I'll be sitting here keeping my recliner warm on New Year's Eve. My kid will be at a party after work with her friends. 

It's a sleep over.
I am grateful for that.

I just got an email from the writer's academy I signed up for this coming year. It starts in January and ends in December 2023. This is a serious commitment and one that I intend to follow through on. I can't wait!


Is that still even a saying? It sounds totally 80's. Oh well.
I guess you can take the girl out of the 80's but you can't take the 80's out of the girl, right?

I know that was lame.

Okay, it's time to skedaddle. Oh wow, that really is a word! At least, according to Google spell check it is anyway. Cool!

Have a wonderful New Year!
God bless!
Let's all make 2023 amazing.

Remember if God wants it to be in your life whether it's a person, a job, a child, or a spouse He will give it to you. If He doesn't, or things get sticky or the road gets a little bumpy, hang onto Him and His word. Talk to Jesus, and remember we are never alone.

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
God says it several times in the Bible so don't sweat the small stuff and the bigger stuff don't sweat that either. 
Have faith.

There is a song by Colton Dixon called "I Will Build a Boat". Listen to the lyrics. When I have doubts God seems to put that song in my head. 

Next year is going to be amazing.

Go live life.

Go live your life for the Lord, and you will, without a doubt have the most amazing year ever. 

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