Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Painting

This is a painting my daughter did for me. 

This is the reason for this blog. 

God gave me this verse one night when I woke up in a place I didn't want to live in anymore.

Where God is there will be peace. 

I had the name peaceful dwellings for this site. 

But someone else took it.

That's fine. They can have it.

Peaceful Habitation is actually a much better title for this blog, because where you live there should be peace. Where you work, there should be peace, where your children go to school there should be peace, because this planet that God created is our home. And we need to have peace here.

The definition of habitation is: The state or process of living in a particular place.

This is our home. This is where we live. 

We need peace.

According to Isaiah 32:18 God promised his people would live in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places. 

I'm getting a tad bit sleepy here. I've been working on this blog since 7:00, it's now 10:10. I missed a game of words with friends with two of my nieces and my mom back in Indiana and Michigan.

I have to go.  There is so much I want to share but I have a job I need to be on time for in the morning.

I just wanted to explain my blog title in a little more detail.

So there ya go.

Have a blessed week!

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