Thursday, September 3, 2020

Making Time

It's been quite a week.

I am rounding out week three of work. The students are slowly rolling into the routines in their new surroundings(as am I) and I find my days to be quite busy and fast-paced and they go so quickly, but the weeks seem to drag on.

Weird, right?

So I started a new bible study at church. Well, I didn't start it, but rather our Senior Pastor did. I'm so jazzed about this study. Growing up I never thought in a million years I would be so stoked to go to church.  The Bible is awesome. I mean it, it really is.

I have read so many books, some two or three times each(i.e. Ruth, Esther, Ephesians, Daniel, Phillipians, Galatians,  1,2 and 3rd books of John, and I've read Jude).  I read Job all the way through, and Leviticus was a nail-biter for me as I couldn't really grasp the whole concept of Leviticus. I may have to reread that one again. All I retained from reading that book was there were grain offerings, sin offerings, peace offerings and others like it; some with pigeons, some with goats, or doves and something about leaving blood at the altar. I am not making light of this book, I am just letting you know, I love reading the Bible but I don't always get what I'm reading. 

Does that mean I stop reading it? 


I think that maybe God wants me reading other things right now. Or perhaps He wants me totally focused on what I am reading in this study. It's going to be a long one.

I don't mind. 

Some people complain when church lasts more than 30 minutes, or 45 minutes or it goes into an hour. I sit(and stand for worship on Saturday/Sundays) in church for 1  1/2 hours for bible study, and most days I don't want to leave(unless I am not feeling well). I could sit and listen to God's word being preached ALL....DAY.....LONG.  I take notes and highlight verses in my Bible, and mark notes in my notebook, and I focus on what the Pastor is saying.  I really, really listen.

Sometimes I reread my notes later. After my notebooks are full, they go under my bed or table(or in my closet) and then on a whim, weeks or months or years later I pull out those notebooks and God will speak to me in those notes I took days or week or months or years earlier when I take them out to read.

It's so amazing to me how notes I took just a year ago, may have a profound affect on me during a certain crisis or decision I am making in the moment and I will go to a certain passage that was highlighted in a past message only to find encouragement or a solution to a problem I am facing.

God is Good.! 

I hope that you are enjoying your week.

I don't know if anyone is actually enjoying my posts. 

I do hope though, that if you have visited you will take a moment and leave me a comment that lets me know you were here,

I'm still finding my voice here. So bear with me. I'm also trying to figure out how to edit my about me page and where in the world it went to.

This will eventually come together.

I have faith it will.

It's 8:30 and I'm tired. Good night for now. 

I will see you all tomorrow.

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