Thursday, October 29, 2020

By the Grace of God

"By the grace of God I am still standing."

How many times have you uttered those words? I have managed to say those words at least a hundred times, if not more in my lifetime.

I have made choices, gone through battles, and won tiny parenting wars after which I have said those words.

God's grace and strength has been with me throughout this week.  Especially one day this week, when someone got snarky with me and all I said was "Please be patient someone is on their way," to which this person replied, "Take a chill pill."

The flesh in me wanted to make a snarky comment back, I could feel God saying,  " Show this person love. Show them grace." Then my pastor's sermon on Corinthians 13(Love Is) could not have been more appropriate a teaching than in this moment.

As I stood there, wanting to snark back....

I said nothing.

I let go and let God.

It's amazing how God works. He righted the wrong and when I ran into this person at a later time, she said to me, "I was just kidding. I am so sorry. I didn't mean that to be rude. I am sorry." 

I looked at this person and I said "It's okay."

Forgiven...just like that.

I then said something to another person next to me, I said, "I read my Bible and I practice what I preach."


I did mean what I said, but I think a tad bit of pride was in my tone.

I hate when God does something amazing and then I go ahead and screw it up with stupid pride.  This is God's conviction. Immediately I knew, as soon as it came out of my mouth, that I was not being Christ-like in my tone.

But God forgave me, just like I forgave that woman, and instantly righted my wrong.

"Not one is righteous, no not one." (Romans 3:10)

Including me, including you, including that pastor behind the podium who maybe did something, that according to your "flesh-filled lenses" wasn't biblically right, including that person at McDonald's who didn't smile when you walked up to the counter with a smile, including that person who cut you off in traffic, including your own children, including your own parents and employers and your neighbor next door.

"My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness."(2 Cor 12:9)

We need to remember that when someone wrongs us, we have to show them love and not judgment. Even if we aren't feeling our best.

I had a rough week. It started with an after-church lunch at a very special friend's house from church. I had to excuse myself early for health reasons, and I was mad  at my "stupid body" that I even had to leave. We were having such a great time. I went to work Monday, and wouldn't ya know it, I bent down to wipe off the table at work and PING this sharp pain ricocheted around my front and back and down my left leg. I was hunched over the table, and could...not...move.

I did the best to sit in the tiny-human chair behind me and told my co-teacher, "Um, I am just going to hang out here for a minute. I pulled something in my lower back."  It was just a crazy busy week this week in the classroom, crying, stomping feet, the sometimes unforeseen scenario in a preschool but it was taking a toll on my already mentally and physically strained body.

My hormones were in overdrive, I had this really bad headache two days in a row, cramps and hot flashes but somehow, someway, by the Grace of God and His strength, I made it through my week.

I showed love even when I didn't feel(physically or mentally) very lovely.

Do I get angry?


Have I yelled before?


But I am learning, that when I stay in God's word, I am less likely to snap and more likely to surrender no matter what my circumstances are.

I do my best to not complain.

I do my best to honor God in my words and actions.

Today is my last day of work for the week. 

Yes, we get a three-day weekend here in the state of Nevada. Tomorrow is Nevada day. My Indiana friends might want to look into an Indiana day for their three-day weekend. LOL.

I am going to enjoy the holiday party with my little monsters, and princesses and Paw Patrol folk and all my wonderfully amazing coworkers.

I am going to make sure that when people say things or do things or cut me off in traffic or don't acknowledge my presence, that I still remember to surrender my flesh and hold onto Jesus.

Have  a great weekend.

Stay safe.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

My Baby Girl Isn't Such a Baby Anymore

I was sick as a dog this morning.

I am thankful for the prayer of friends....and a much-needed 3 hour nap.

I feel so...much...better. I am cooking dinner now. This morning the last thing on my mind when I woke up was eating anything...or cooking anything for that matter. My throat was on fire, I was coughing and sneezing and my nose was so congested. I felt "weird" like achy and my arms just had this weird feeling. I can't explain it. 

I was sure I was dying.

But here I am.

Guess I'm not dying after all. LOL.

I missed choir at church. I was so upset about that. I really, truly was. I love worship the most at church. Yes, I always love the message our pastor shares and he has this amazing way of sharing the message that even a non-believer would say "whoa! I get it!" but worship is awesome. 

I remember when I first started going to this church back in January. I saw all those people up there in the choir and all I kept thinking was "I would love to sing up there." I don't have much of a voice,  "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called," this is definitely a true statement. I can sing SOME soprano but those Mariah Carey high notes won't be escaping my mouth any time soon. I am a second soprano according to the amazing elderly woman who "drafted" me into choir(even though when she asked, "can you sing?" I replied, "NOPE.")

Apparently she(and God) saw something in me I didn't see.

So here I am now, 8:40 at night, well rested and having just finished dinner and now blogging here as I listen to Charles Stanley in the background. I do feel like I could sleep more, and I probably will go back to bed soon, but I need to make sure that my daughter does the dishes and we get this box of 50+ videos into our storage on the patio. We should just sell them all. I could probably get fifty bucks for the whole box. 

It's a big box.

Fifty bucks is a huge bargain for these videos.

Any takers out there?


On another topic my daughter is growing up way too fast. 

I know it's crazy to think, that an almost 16 year old girl can actually think for herself, be her own person and not rely on the wisdom of a 50 year old who carried her in her womb for 9 months, changed her diapers, listened to her problems and gave her "mom-amazing" advice and watched her grow into this beautiful, funny, smart, caring, amazing young woman she's become.

She loves making Frappucinos in the blender. Ever since I found the recipe, my bags of ice, milk, chocolate syrup and chocolate chips have disappeared at a rapid pace these days. She also loves her Ramen noodles. She calls them RAH-mens I call them RAY-mens. I told her that's the right way to say it, because when you pray you say AY-men, not AH-men.  She INSISTS she is saying it the correct way.

I digress.

She turns 16 next month. 

That's right....SIXTEEN!!!

I cried yesterday about this. Actually I cried over the Dan and Shay concert we were suppose to attend at the T-Mobile arena yesterday that was cancelled due to that C word I am tired of hearing about. I cried because I wanted to buy her a T-shirt and we would share our first country concert together and dance all crazy and just have fun. I also cried because when my daughter was 13, and that's the first of many "big birthday moments", especially in a young girls life, not ONE of my friends or hers at the time could make it to celebrate her big day. 


Some of them were actual legitimate reasons. I got why most people couldn't come, but that didn't make it any less painful for either one of us, especially her. Clearly my daughter is not some Disney sensation, or a princess or a rock star, where everyone wants to come to her party, but she's my daughter and being my daughter she is MY princess, MY rock star and MORE.

I still made her a cake that Saturday and we lit candles and I took a pic of her holding that cake and blowing out the candles on that cake and posted them on Facebook and then after the last picture, she looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I looked at her and we both started to cry.

It hurt my heart that nobody, not one soul, could come, even for 10 minutes to sing and share cake with my daughter to celebrate the day she became a teenager.  She curled up in my arms on the couch and she cried and I cried and I brushed her hair with my fingers and told her how sorry I was that nobody came. 

Then we ate cake.

We played games.

She survived and so did I.

She is a strong young woman, I saw it in her at 13 and I see it even more now at almost 16. 

I won't lie, it hurts to see her separate from me. But this is what daughters do. If she did everything I told her to do, she'd be a computer, or a robot, and that isn't what I want my daughter to be.  

I want her to be an independent thinker.

I want her to be comfortable sharing her views, even if they clash with mine(or anyone else for that matter). I want her to know how to fix a flat, how to balance her bank account, and know how to get around at an airport and not panic when she is hiking and forgets which way to turn and she will know how to find her way back because of her awesome logic and self-taught knowledge of life and the world.

I want her to know that I love her regardless if down the road she is a democrat and I, a Republican, and we have different views. And even if we argue because of those differing views, I still love her regardless.

She will make choices I won't always agree with. But I have to let her fly a little and feel the consequences whether good or bad of those choices.

She is a smart cookie and boy does she have a logical brain in her head.

I remember one time we were in the store.  I was upset because the mechanics who had just taken 540 some dollars of my hard earned money didn't fix my car. I was annoyed and complaining as we walked down the Ramen aisle and she says "well mom it's kind of like a doctor.  Sometimes it takes  a few tests before they figure out what's wrong with you. Same thing with your car."

I gave her a look.

Not a nice look either(I'm sure you've been there before).

There were two reasons I gave her that look...

1) She was suppose to be on MY SIDE, not the side of the mechanic.

2) What she said made absolute sense and her logical response was right.

(*raise your hand if one, or both, of these have applied to you)

Often parents want to be right....ALL THE TIME.

Listen up matter your age, 27, 57, 77....sometimes your kids know what they are talking about.


Don't get mad at them for being right or having a different opinion than yours. Yes, as parents we can advise our children, but we also need to allow them the opportunity for independence and they can't do that if we are ALWAYS telling them what to do.

Don't go running around telling your best friend, or the lady at the supermarket, or your doctor how "I told her she should date Steven, but she chose to date Kevin and he's not good for her."

Maybe he's not.

But she isn't going to realize the good guy, if she never dates the one who is a giant tool. If she is only doing things to please you, she will never learn to please herself once in a while and know what it is that SHE wants or needs in her life and will be sorely disappointed as she grows older or will look to please someone else at the cost of her own self-worth and self-esteem and you don't want that either do you?

We want to protect our kids. But the thing is there is this fine line between protecting and smothering.

If you smother, you suck the life out of whatever trusting relationship you could have had, if you don't set boundaries and give some much-needed advice once in a while your kids will think they rule the roost and everyone must bow to their every whim and give them whatever they want no matter what the cost.


Don't hover....gently guide. 

Like a swan.

Clearly tell them the obvious...don't drink and drive don't do drugs, no sex before marriage, be kind to others, love your neighbor, worship God not material things.

My daughter and I use to be like Rory and Lorelai in Gilmore Girls. 

We would joke about it and some friends of mine from work saw it too.

We had the same sense of humor, did the same stupid silly things, we hung around a lot with each other. She confided in me. I always told her she could come to me about ANYTHING...and she did. We were each other's best friend.

Then something happened.

We became more distant.  She stopped telling me things. Stopped listening(Blog...not blocks silly girl LOLL..that's an inside joke)She started hanging out more in her room and less with me. She didn't get my jokes anymore. 

We went out just yesterday shopping and it was fun. 

But as she sat on the floor in the Psychology section of Barnes and Noble reading the little blurb on the back of a book titled "The Man Who Thought His Wife Was a Hat", it was in that moment I realized she isn't the same little girl anymore.

She is slowly growing up and I took a photo because these moments with her and I aren't as frequent as they use to be and sooner or later they may stop altogether for a little while.

Her beliefs are changing too. 

It's scary.

I want to make her see how good God is, how being a Republican is right, how you don't need to destroy other people's property to protest and get your point across. 

She has her own opinions. She is forming her own person. 

It scares me.

But at the same time it makes me proud to be her mom. Because she won't ever have anyone tell her what to do without her being informed because she reads and investigates so much and wants to know facts versus what someone told her to be truth.

I once told her she could open a dog rescue and a daycare and that she could use the animals as therapy dogs for abused children or children with special needs. Because people use dogs for that very reason.

Know what she said?

I'll have to Google that.

Yeah. She didn't believe it simply because her mom told her it's true. 

She had to Google it.

She is in her room now, door closed, eating her dinner and watching TikTok. I peeked in and asked her if she was talking to someone and she was just staring at me. We don't watch tv much anymore together like we use to...we would marathon watch Gilmore and Big Bang all ...the ...time.

One thing I DO know..... 

She is still my best friend. Many times friends don't see each other for years and years, yet they still find that old connection they use to have, like time never passed.

I also know....

My girl is gonna go places. I know it.  She is going to make it all around the world and do things that I only dreamed of doing. She is going to have trials and tribulations I am sure along the way...bumps in the road so to speak, but she will survive it, because my sweet, sweet girl is strong. She is gonna see the world and all it has to offer and (maybe) one day give me the gift of some beautiful grandkids.

I can't wait to hear the tales of her journeys, her loves and her losses, and I hope we can share them over an ice cold Frappucino with Gilmore Girls playing in the background.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

God Provides

 Happy Sunday!

This week has been somewhat of a crazy madness.

But I made it through.

There was a death, a shooting(not related to the death Thank you Jesus), unpaid bill stress, a health scare(that was due to lack of a good lunch instead of what I thought was something else LOL).

I managed to pay all of my bills this pay period. God provided the funds to be able to get my car payment in. I didn't ask anyone for money, yet the money was there. 

I said it before and I will say it forever...GOD PROVIDES.

"...and my God will supply all your needs according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 4:19

The verses prior to this verse say "Be anxious for nothing". 


Don't sweat it folks.

God's got this. He knew about this problem way before you did. He already had a solution and a plan worked out wayyyyy before you were a speck in your mother's womb.

As long as we, as believers(and even a non-believer who turns to Him) worship Him, and Serve Him, and turn to His word and continue a relationship with Him, He will provide for us.

In Matthew 6:25-26 Jesus says, "Therefore I say unto you do not worry about your life, what you eat  or what you will drink; nor your body what you will wear. Is life not more than what you eat and your body more than just what you wear?  Look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns and yet their Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not more value than they?"

He continues in Matthew to say, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it's own things."

He even provides to the non-believer, because yes, they are His children too. But He can provide so much more if they just follow His word. 

It's like the rebellious teenager who goes out one night and gets drunk. Surely, you will still provide that child's needs; food, clothing, shelter. However, drunkenness may lead to consequences such as losing one's driving privileges, or a strict curfew or grounding of some sort  or worse...jailtime, for the teen.   

The unbeliever is like that rebellious teen. 

God still loves him or her and yet He must have consequences for those individuals who choose to continually seek comfort and security in those things that are no good for them; drugs, alcohol, sex, infidelity and the list goes on. God has to have consequences for those individuals, and sometimes their loved ones suffer for their sins as well. 

I can speak of this first-hand. 

I made some poor poor choices in my lifetime. Some that have affected my children and I cried many nights in the past over that. 


God forgave and forgot all those past sins and poor choices,  unfortunately,  some of my loved ones have not.  

It hurts.

But I cannot let their lack of forgiveness come between my relationship with God and His plan for my life.

I pray for them. I pray for our relationships to be restored. I pray that we can laugh, cry and even pray together some day.  Until then, I wait...on God's heal their heart. They have to come to God before anything else. Our relationship is secondary to their salvation. Secondary to them knowing Jesus and just how truly awesome a relationship with Him really is.

My tears have now been turned into teaching. Teaching others who are on the same path I was or who I may see travelling that path and showing them how the Word of God can save them from the literal hell I was headed for and how my life spiraled out of control. 

God Saved ME. 
He felt that little ol' me was worth hanging onto and loving unconditionally. I never knew that kind of love before.

When I bravely walked to the front of the church for that altar call on June 23, life changed. It wasn't perfect by any means. I still messed up, but over time as my spiritual maturity increased and my worldly needs decreased and I focused completely and solely on Jesus Christ I have noticed my needs are less worldly and more on the needy. Them vs. me mentality. Help them first then me. Show compassion not judgment, don't gossip, love more. 

Enjoy what God has given me; healthy body, healthy children, food, clothing, shelter, wonderful job, a car that runs(although it has been skittish lately, but I know He will provide if it conks out on me) and amazing group of church sisters and a church family I would never give up. 

I have never felt so alive.  I have never, ever in my life had such a sense of peace. 

Even on my worst days, when my world has crumbled and I cry out to God and say "Lord, I know you are there, even though you know this doubt in my heart is from the enemy I KNOW you are there Lord. Help me to get through this please God."  I still KNOW HE IS ALIVE AND HE IS MY PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER.

I am not talking about finances here folks. Yes, God can and does provide that....but He provides us peace well beyond what man can ever give us; likewise and much much more important HE provides a place in Heaven a crown and streets of Gold for us to praise Him in eternity.

If you are still reading this and you are not a believer, message me (on the right over there ------>>> 😉 ) if you have any questions and I will get back to you. 

No pressure.

Tell me a little about yourself; married, not, kids, no kids, pets....favorite flavor of ice cream....whatever you want to share. 

And ask away!

God is Good!

Have a great week folks!

"Reservation for Barb, Party of One"

  Look at the moon.  In this photo I took it looks so small and insignificant.  It looks so alone . I pretty much feel like the moon looks a...