Friday, January 1, 2021

Life IS Beautiful


I received this beautiful box from some very dear friends of mine for Christmas.

Inside the box were some more precious gifts: a couple of calendars, one with Psalms for each month and another tea time one, some ceramic measuring cups, and this beautiful devotional book:

This past Christmas was probably by far the best Christmas that I have had in a long time while living here in  Vegas.  I don't like it much here, but I have to be honest, I am having conflicted feelings about moving anywhere after my daughter graduates in two years, not because I like it the DESERT....I hate the heat....but I am conflicted because of the church family I have come to know and love around here. 

I don't think I could find another one like it. I don't think I could find an amazing church family like mine here. I know other awesome church families exist with amazing pastors, incredible women's group leaders and greeters and members of the church to befriend and confide in, but I have to say in my very biased church family is the most awesome in those areas that I know.

I'm sure though if God wants me to go somewhere else, He'd make sure I was taken care of with a church family just as amazing as the one I have here. We all look out for one another. It's truly a blessing. And we also hold each other accountable if we need to....which I also love about them.

Back to the point of my post here.

Here is this box. When I received it I really did love it, but I was wondering what I would use it for. 

Then yesterday, of all days, I had an idea.

I am going to name this box my Prayer and Praise box. Every day I am going to fill this box with prayer requests and praise to God(Praise Him even in my stressful and darkest times of my life) just like David did in the Psalms. I love the Psalms. I have found great comfort with some life issues I am dealing with right now, in the book of Psalms.

I have decided that any miracles/blessings that happened that day and  where  I saw God's hand in the situation, I will put that on paper and in the box.

For instance, if I had a bad day, but one of my students just came up and randomly hugged me when I just wanted to cry, I will write that moment down on a piece of paper and I will just put that little(or big) folded piece of paper in there and thank God letting Him know that every time I look at this box or open this box I KNOW that life is beautiful, MY life is beautiful, MY CHILDREN'S lives are beautiful, MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS lives are beautiful.  

Why do I know this?

Because God made us all to be beautiful in His image.

I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well. -Psalm 139:14

So, I will put something in there, then at the end of the year, I will go through all the blessings and praises and prayer requests and acknowledge and praise God for all the answered(and yes, even unanswered) prayers He has given me and those around me. I will praise Him for the gift He gave me of another year with those I love around me, for our protections and mercies and abundant love HE has shown to all of us.

I will give thanks.

And I will remember.

How even in my worst trials HE was still with me.

How even in the best of times HE was with me also.

So find yourself a nice little shoe box and decorate it. Or pick up a box like this at a craft store or Ross(that is where my friend found this one) and start your own prayer and praise box.

God is good.


So literally count your blessings at the end of the year. What better time to start this box then at the Beginning of a New Year?!


When times get tough, and you're feeling defeated, it's those times that God is with you most. And those are the times you can open your Praise and Prayer box, take out a piece of paper and be reminded of how God got you through the last problem you incurred.

He is good to us. He is Almighty and He is our Provider.

God IS beautiful; Life IS Beautiful; And YOU my dear and precious reader and friend are beautiful too.


Enjoy this video from one of my many favorite bands, Mercy Me:

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