Sunday, January 2, 2022

Faith and Your Future; Both Are In God's Hands

Howdy Ya'll! Happy New year!

For some people it's just another year, no big deal. 

For others, it's a chance to start over and to make things new again; marriages/relationships with friends, healthier eating habits, new career paths or start or return to school for a degree or certificate, basically setting new goals or dreams for the coming year.

I have done that. I have a goal for this year. I won't say right now what that goal is. Rest assured you can know that I want to do something that glorifies God and blesses others.

More to come on that at a later date.

I have faith that God will see me through this year, lows and highs. I just read the second chapter in this book I am reading, and it talks about reaching goals you may think are unreachable goals, but with God those goals are not so impossible.

I find it interesting(God's timing perhaps??🤔) that I started this book so that the chapter I finished just in time for the new year, is all about setting goals and not giving up. 

I won't lie, in my past, and even sometimes in the present but not as often, I tend to be flaky. I say I will do something in March, and I start out extremely excited to begin my journey and before ya know it it's May and I have given up on my quest.

I am a former smoker. 

I will just say this, quitting smoking IS NOT easy. It has been 5 years since I quit. Prior to that, I had tried quitting about 12 times. So when I finally quit, it was definitely not by MY willpower, but the strength of God that got me through it. If you need advice on how to quit, let me know. No judgment here from me, because  I did backslide a bit back in October of last year, for reasons that I still don't know why, but I laughed about it because in all honesty it was for about 10 days and I told my mom when I returned home this is the "non-smoking side of the mountain". 

True story.

I haven't craved a cigarette since I got back home. I have no desire to smoke. I haven't since I lived here in this apartment God so kindly blessed my daughter and I with. Sometimes Satan likes to throw little wrenches into our plans to do good, and then we beat ourselves up about it.  When I got back to my apartment and started unpacking I did feel stupid for smoking when I went back home with my family.   I don't know why I smoked, but I did. I thought if I didn't buy them, I wouldn't smoke them or smoke that many. That plan backfired for sure. 

I had all these crazy thoughts in my head as I was getting ready for bed that first night back here. "If my friends find out they won't like me anymore"(that one was stupid for sure), "What the heck was I thinking? I didn't smoke any of the other times I went back? Why did I do it now?! What's wrong with me?!" I did tell one friend while I was out there. She wasn't judgmental at all. Just said not to do it anymore, because it's not healthy.

I had a very hard time getting back into my Bible study routine and once I did the negative thoughts didn't come so often. I thank God He didn't let me go through all of that alone, and the thoughts eventually subsided by the time I returned to work.

We are not perfect creatures by any means, and yet God will still use us for his perfect mission in our lives to give Him all the glory.

Just look at all the stories in the Bible. Supposedly "Impossible" stories I might add:

  • David the youngest of all his brothers fighting a giant named Goliath
  • Moses, parting the red sea by the power of God with only a simple command and a staff
  • Joshua, the walls came tumbling down with the sound of trumpets
  • Gideon, overcame an army of 120,000 Midianites with only 300 men

Each one of these people, had FAITH that God would get them where He needed them to go. Despite obstacles, despite poor life choices, despite what seemed like challenging circumstances, these men in the Bible beat the odds and what may seem like so far-fetched or impossible, was not so impossible WITH GOD. 

I read this verse this morning, and I really took it to heart for this coming year:

"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:18-19

Earlier in this same chapter, God tells Jacob that He will be with him and the rivers will NOT overflow him nor will the fires burn him (verse 2). 

What are the two most IMPORTANT THINGS God tells Jacob in Verse 1?



This not only applies to Jacob but to each of us as well. 

Do NOT fear and know that we belong to God. 

We are His children. He will not leave us nor forsake us. EVER.

I have to keep reminding myself of this fact. When I have those ridiculous thoughts of "What if my car dies in the heat again this summer?" "What if I don't have enough money for my car payment in 3 months?" 

What ifs are not living in faith.

God will use our trials and tribulations, to strengthen our faith. He will use THAT faith to show others how He works through us and how trusting in God and following God is the only way to be truly content and happy in life, regardless of our current circumstances. 

No amount of money, fame or fortune will give us that. 

Only God can do that.

So first of all, PRAY.

Ask for God's guidance in your new adventure or life decision.

Then, dust off that manuscript,  go online and submit that admissions application as you are never too old to go back and hit the books again, apply for that small business loan and get that bakery or book store open. 

God will open doors for you, if you just have a little faith.

The faith of a mustard seed is all you need.

"...for assuredly I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain 'move from here to there' and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

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